
Showing posts from February, 2020

[Podcast] How Long Should Your Video Be? (Featuring James Ibbitson)

This week we're joined once more by our very special guest, James Ibbitson from Visual Punch. Who answers the "age old" question: "how long should your video be?" Whether it's on social media, your website, or in an email marketing campaign. Understanding your audience, their attention span, & their receptiveness to content can be vital in helping you create effective video marketing campaigns for your business. In this episode, James, Amy and I chat about the ways in which we can all improve our audience's experience of our videos, by thinking about how long they should be.

[Podcast] Ask Or You Won't Receive - The Importance of Asking Your Community for Help

Trying to get your digital community to do something as simple as leave a review can be surprisingly difficult sometimes. Which is why it's so important to understand that you have the power to encourage, command, or suggest certain call to actions that your online community can take to help you and your brand grow. In this episode, Amy and I chat about the ways in which a business can utilise their online community by simply asking them for help.

[Podcast] Top Tips on Increasing Post Reach

When it comes to posting on social media, it's always important to remember that your content doesn't reach (isn't seen by) all of your followers. Due to algorithms (sets of rules) on each platform, your post might only find its way to as few as 3% of your overall community. Which is no good if you're trying to promote your business, product, or service! Luckily for us, there are ways in which we can make sure our content gets more exposure, and so reaches more of our customers. In this episode, Amy and I chat about the ways in which a business can increase their post reach on social media, and whether or not the metric should be used to determine the success of a piece of content or not.

[Podcast] Landscape Vs Portrait video (Featuring James Ibbitson)

This week we're joined by a very special guest. James Ibbitson is the head of video at Visual Punch a full-service personalised video marketing agency and is certainly our go-to video specialist. We start off talking about landscape vs portrait for your video and we get into some of the other areas of & tips for video that James wants to share with you all.