
Showing posts from October, 2018

[Podcast] Social Media Etiquette

This week I'm talking to Nic about the etiquette of social media. What are you expected to do, what can you choose to do and what must you never ever do. Realistically, do you have to follow everyone who follows you on Twitter or Instagram? How are you going about starting genuine conversations without spamming. Do people really respond to to the hard sell? All this and more in this week's episode...

[Podcast] What the fudge!

This week we're I'm chatting to Nicola about how far you can push your brand - where are the boundaries, the lines not to cross - why are they important and indeed, are they as important as we think? We're chatting about how important is what you wear, how you portray yourself and in part, whether you can swear. Have a listen and come chat to us as

[Podcast] Facebook Pages joining Facebook Groups

You can now join a Facebook Group as your Facebook Business Page! This week we're talking about this potentially massive change that Facebook have rolled/are rolling out. Nicola and I discuss whether we think it's a good idea, how it *could* be used and the implications of joining a Facebook Group as a Facebook Page.

[Podcast] What is your why?

This week we're talking about your motivation - your 'why'. Understanding what this is - what drives you - forms an integral part of your branding, your marketing and your overall story-telling. This 'why' should echo through your narrative in your digital promotion - and so Nicola and I chat about what it is that drives us to do what we do.