
Showing posts from September, 2018

[Podcast] The value of having a social media plan

This week we're talking about the importance of having a plan - being focussed in your aims and your strategy. We're chatting about some of the things we do to plan, so of the stuff that works and of course some of the stuff that doesn't!

[Podcast] Twitter has not died

This week we're talking Twitter! "Twitter has died"..."Twitter is different"..."Twitter isn't useful anymore". We're chatting about whether Twitter is still relevant - whether it has a place in the digital marketing world and whether you should be paying more attention to it.

[Podcast] Your LinkedIn profile

This week we're talking about LinkedIn - the giant professional social network. We discuss people's perceptions of the platform, what it's used - what's supposed to be used for - and how it fits into your brand narrative (the story you tell about your business).

[Podcast] Stop monkeying around with your emails

This week we're talking about email marketing, newsletters and mailing lists. We chat about why it's so important to have that data in a system that you have control over (so it can't disappear on you should anything happen to your account/that platform). We also discuss the different styles that Nicola (created) and I (curated) use for the newsletters/emails that we send out.

[Podcast] Branded email accounts

This week we're talking about the importance of using a branded email account - the effect it has on your marketing and branding and a few tips you may want to consider when choosing and using your own email address. It's not as simple as you might think!