
Showing posts from August, 2018

[Podcast] Facebook's organic reach

This week we're talking about Facebook's organic (free) reach - what affects it, what doesn't. We explore what you can do at no cost on this mammoth platform!

[Podcast] Tops tips to increase engagement

This week we're talking about some top tips for what you can do to increase the engagement on your content. Which engagagement can help you more, and how you can get your audience more involved.

[Podcast] Getting the basics right

This week we're talking about getting the basics right - from avoiding the simple mistakes, to the things that could be giving your first-time visitors the wrong impression about your brand!

[Podcast] Getting rid of platforms you don't use

This week we're talking about getting rid of stuff that's not working for you - being brave and beating that fear of missing out (FOMO) which allows you to focus on the stuff that's really working for you - have a listen to see which platforms we'd drop!